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Revolutionary Guardian of Vascular Health – Nitric Oxide Free Radical

Carbon Monoxide vs Nitric Oxide

People usually mistake Nitric oxide (NO) as carbon monoxide, a poison and carcinogen that destroys the atmosphere, produces acid rain, and causes environmental pollution. In 1977, Ferid Murad, an American clinician and pharmacologist, discovered that nitro-ester drugs react in the body through nitric oxide molecules, and the common perception of nitric oxide has completely changed. In the past 30 years, nitric oxide free radicals have attracted great attention and extensive research in the medical field. In 1992, the nitric oxide free radical was selected by the “Science” magazine as the “star molecule” of that year. In 1998, Professor Murad and two other American scientists, Professors Robert Furchgott and Louis J. Ignarro, were being honoured with the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for their outstanding contributions in their research of nitric oxide free radicals. Since then, the study of nitric oxide molecules has entered a whole new level.

What is Nitric Oxide?

Nitric oxide is a nitrogen compound with the chemical formula (NO). It is a colourless and odourless gas with low solubility in water and can be found in almost every cell in the body. Nitric oxide is a signalling molecule that functions as a “signal soldier”. In the human body, nitric oxide is produced by 3 main nitric oxide synthase (NOS) enzymes, namely:
  • Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS)
  • Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (nNOS)
  • Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS)
The endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is formed in the endothelium of blood vessels and it is usually related to beneficial physiological regulatory responses. For example, when the blood flow of certain tissues in the body is insufficient, the endothelium of the tissues will request the muscles to send a signal to relax in order to promote blood circulation and produce some nitric oxide molecules. These tiny nitric oxide molecules will easily pass through the cell membrane to reach the smooth muscle cells around the muscles and blood vessels. When the smooth muscle cells receive the signal, they relax and dilate, making the blood vessels soft, elastic and expanding. Hence, the appropriate amount of nitric oxide can relax blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and prevent blood lipoproteins and other deposits from accumulating on the inner walls of blood vessels. This helps to prevent arteriosclerosis, hypertension, stroke, angina, and other diseases.

When there is too much nitric oxide in the body, it will cause adverse effects. An excessive amount of nNOS and iNOS in the can cause tissue inflammation. Patients with long-term inflammatory diseases, like arteriosclerosis, end up having with damaged arterial cells due to the excessive nitric oxide free radicals in local tissues. By understanding the causes of arteriosclerosis, we can regulate local blood with nitric oxide as one of the treatment methods.

Patients with sepsis caused by severe bacterial infection often suffer from bacterial shock. This is due to the macrophages and vascular endothelial cells producing large amounts of nitric oxide, which can lead to uncontrollable relaxation of the blood vessels and blood pressure. This results in a rapid decline that causes the shock. By then, the patient’s brain will suffer from ischemia and hypoxia due to the drop in blood pressure and an insufficient supply of blood. In severe cases, it can lead to death. Knowing the cause of shock can save lives and be avoided by using inhibitors to reduce the production of nitric oxide.

The Effects of Nitric Oxide in the Human Body

Nitric oxide plays an important role in various tissues of the human body. Nitric oxide can be seen as the guardian of blood vessel health. It keeps the tissue in the blood vessels dilated, thereby increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure. Nitric oxide also prevents low-density lipoprotein (LDL) from being oxidised, reduces the viscosity of blood cholesterol and platelets, reduces the adhesion of monocytes to the blood vessel wall, and avoids the formation of thrombus. Therefore, an appropriate amount of nitric oxide is needed to protect the heart, prevent vascular rupture and help improve coronary artery, myocardial infarction, stroke, stenosis, and other diseases.

As nitric oxide functions in expanding blood vessels, it can smooth the blood in the brain, allow brain cells to obtain the required nutrients and sufficient oxygen, and slow down the ageing of cells. Nitric oxide can also be used as a molecule of nerve conduction information to:
  • Promote communication between nerve cells
  • Enhance brain power as well as brain learning, memory and coordination
  • Prevent brain diseases such as epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s
  • Stimulate the pituitary gland
  • Promote the natural secretion of pineal gland in the body
  • Improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia
  • Expand blood vessels
  • Regulate gastrointestinal functions
  • Promote normal digestion and help the body absorb nutrients and detoxify
Nitric oxide can also help to boost the immune system. When the human body is infected, immune cells release a lot of nitric oxide to sterilise. Studies have shown that nitric oxide can increase the activity of killer cells, enhance resistance, and kill invading bacteria, viruses and parasites. Nitric oxide can also enhance cell immunity, prevent free radical oxidation, and inhibit tumour growth and reproduction with its anti-cancer properties and anti-cancer effects.

Nitric oxide can help the pancreas to regulate the secretion of insulin by reducing insulin resistance and increasing the sensitivity of insulin to blood sugar. This accelerates the metabolism of blood sugar in the body, which is beneficial to the prevention and control of diabetes. Furthermore, it can also protect the endothelial cells of blood vessels, reduce blood vessel and neuropathy caused by glucose metabolism, and effectively inhibit and improve the complications of diabetes.

Nitric oxide can dilate blood vessels and increase the amount of nutrients and oxygen supplied to the skeletal muscles, helping to increase muscle tolerance. This is very important for athletes as it can prompt them to quickly increase muscle tolerance and durability, and increase strength to avoid fatigue settling into the body while protecting bone health and delaying bone ageing. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties which can effectively relieve various pains and inflammations in the body, at the same time, assisting in repairing damaged tissues.

Did you know that the effect of morphine is to allow the body to produce nitric oxide to relieve pain? Its anti-inflammatory properties are effective against rheumatism by relieving the inflammation and pain from tendons and joints while speeding up wound healing. Nitric oxide can provide good blood flow for new blood vessels in the granulation tissue by regulating the diameter and flow, assist the growth of new blood vessels, and promote tissue regeneration as well as epithelial tissue repair and healing. Nitric oxide can also effectively improve skin and mucous membrane damage, relieve skin itch and allergies, and heal erosions and ulcers, such pustules and haemorrhoids.

The Body’s Nitric Oxide Decreases with Age

The human body’s nitric oxide content reaches its peak at the age of 30 and 35. As we age, especially after the age of 40, our body’s ability to produce nitric oxide weakens. Poor diet, lack of exercise and bad habits such as smoking and alcoholism also add to the reduction of natural nitric oxide content.

Here are some of the ways to increase the body’s nitric oxide include:
  • A daily diet of food such as fish and seafood, soybeans, and garlic
  • Exercise such as aerobics, walking, jogging, swimming, yoga, and cycling
  • A consumption of food containing antioxidant properties
  • Direct supplementation of health foods to promote the production of nitric oxide
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Why Choose Elken LX Yang?

Elken LX Yang is a nitric oxide nutrition and health food that comes with a patented formula for your health protection. It contains L-arginine that increases the production of nitric oxide in the body; tomato aqueous extract (T.A.E.) that maintains normal physiological functions and some synergistic vitamins including vitamins E, B6 and B12, folic acid, beta-carotene, and patented curcumin.

The tomato aqueous extract is a natural and safe substitute of a low-dose aspirin with zero side effects. It has been scientifically proven to promote and maintain good health. The extract is a breakthrough ingredient and its safety and effectiveness have been confirmed by 7 clinical trials. The extract is also recognised by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as ‘Generally Recognised as Safe (GRAS). T.A.E. is rich in active substances including nucleosides, polyphenols, and flavonoids. As a result, it has been awarded the Nutraward 2011 for Best New Ingredient.

In addition to containing L-arginine and tomato aqueous extracts that can increase the production of nitric oxide in the body to improve the cardiovascular health of the body, Elken LX Yang also contains some synergistic vitamins and patented curcumin This unique and patented formula of nutritious health food is highly suitable for office workers, the elderly, women who are facing their menopause, people facing fertility disorders, and the obese.